Do you have any feedback for the WILDTRUST about the uThukela MPA EbA Project? We want to hear from you, via our Grievance Mechanism Process.
What is a Grievance?
A grievance can be a complaint about:
Impacts, damages or harm caused by the project,
Non-conformity with the Blue Action Fund and WILDTRUST safeguards;
Concerns about access to the project stakeholder engagement processes; or
How comments and concerns about project activities, or perceived incidents or impacts, have been addressed.
What is a Grievance Mechanism?
A grievance mechanism is a tool through which all project stakeholders, including project staff, contractors and their workers can address any comments, suggestions, questions and complaints that they may have about the uThukela MPA EbA Project and its activities and partners.
What is the purpose of the Grievance mechanism?
A Grievance Mechanism aims to…
Identify and manage stakeholder concerns;
Guide the way we address complaints comments, questions, concerns and suggestions from stakeholders related to the project in a fair, transparent, and practical way;
Provide stakeholders fearing or suffering impacts from the Project with the assurance that they will be heard and assisted in a timely manner; and
Ensure we build and maintain a trusting relationship with our project stakeholders.
Important Information:
Any stakeholder may file a complaint;
Representatives (a person or local organisation) can submit a complaint on behalf of a Project Affected Party, but they must provide concrete evidence of authority to represent them;
Anonymous complaints will be considered, and
Negative impacts reported are not restricted to the activities of the WILDTRUST but include the impacts of activities of project partners (including collaborating project partners such as Protected Area authorities) that are financially or technically supported by the project WILDTRUST;
Grievances are considered ineligible when they are about:
Actions not financially supported by the Project,
Parties that are not partners or collaborating partners in the Project
Issues outside of the Project scope, including outside of the projects area of influence.
How can I submit a grievance?
Communicate it verbally (in person or via telephone) to the Project Site Coordinator / Stakeholder Engagement Officer
Send an email, SMS or WhatsApp message directly to
The Project Site Coordinator / Stakeholder Engagement Officer
The Project Manager (if you feel this concern cannot be addresses adequately by the Project Site Co-Ordinator / Stakeholder Engagement Officer
The ESMS Manager (if you feel this concern cannot be addresses adequately by the Project Manager
The Blue Action Fund ESMS Manager (if you feel this concern cannot be addresses adequately by the WILDTRUST
3. Fill out the Grievance Form
online (www.wildtrust.co.za/governance ) and submit it to the ESMS Manager via email; or
Place it in one of the Grievance Boxes placed at Tribal Courts (Macambini TC and Mkhwanazi TC)

We’d also love to hear any positive feedback you may have! If you’d like to bring our attention to anyone you think is doing the uThukela MPA EbA Project proud, please let us know using the contact information above.